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Risultati 1-20 di 145

The dawn of everything

a new history of humanity

  • Graeber, David 1961-2020

Problems of modern society

a sociological perspectives

The measure of civilization

how social development decides the fate of nations

  • Morris, Ian

Storia economica, storia sociale

saggi 1930-1960

  • Tawney, Richard Henry

Political thought and the Tudor Commonwealth

deep structure, discourse and disguise

Le immagini della storia [+]

scritti, 1905-1941

  • Huizinga, Johan

The dragons of expectation

reality and delusion in the course of history

  • Conquest, Robert

The making of a counter culture

reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition

  • Roszak, Theodore

Postsocial history

an introduction

  • Cabrera, Miguel A.

La nascita della storia sociale in Francia

dalla Comune alle Annales

  • Allegra, Luciano

Risultati 1-20 di 145