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Risultati 1-20 di 34

The stern gang

ideology, politics an terror, 1940-1949

  • Heller, Joseph

Zionism and The Arabs 1882-1948

A Study of Ideology

  • Gorny, Yosef

Army of shadows

Palestinian collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948

  • Cohen, Hillel

The question of Palestine

British-Jewish-Arab relations: 1914-1918

  • Friedman, Isaiah

The Palestine triangle

the struggle between the British, the Jews and the Arabs, 1935-48

  • Bethell, Nicholas

Great power discord in Palestine

the Anglo-American committee of inquiry into the problems of European Jewry and Palestine : 1945-1946

  • Nachmani, Amikam

The Palestinian Arab national movement

from riots to rebellion : 1929-1939

  • Porath, Yehoshua

A broken trust

Herbert Samuel, zionism and the Palestinians : 1920-1925

  • Huneidi, Sahar

War in Palestine, 1948

strategies and diplomacy

  • Tal, David

Israele e il rifiuto arabo

settantacinque anni di storia

  • Rodinson, Maxime

la lotta clandestina per l'indipendenza di Israele (1936 - 1948)

  • Enderlin, Charles

La Terra Promessa

La nascita dello Stato di israele nel racconto di un protagonista

  • Golan, Joe

Risultati 1-20 di 34