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Risultati 20-40 di 1161

Studies of South India

an anthology of recent research and scholarship

Seminar on social and cultural history of Salem district

papers and proceedings

  • Seminar on social and cultural history of Salem district Salem 1983

Studies in Tuluva history and culture

from the pre-historic times upto the modern

  • Gururaja Bhatt, P.

India modern

traditional forms and contemporary design

  • Ypma, Herbert J.M.

Society and culture

  • Sastri, Satyavrat

Indians in Sri Lanka

a historical study

  • Chattopadhyaya, Haraprasad

Current problems and methodologies in South Indian epigraphical and historical research

(with selected case studies) : prof. Sathyanatha Iyer endowment lectures

  • Tirumalai, Ramanujam

Maritime history of South India

indigenous traditions of navigations in Indian Ocean

The Tamils

their history, culture and civilization

  • Subrahmanian, N.

South India yesterday, today and tomorrow

Mysore villages revosited

  • Scarlett Epstein, T.

History of Travancore

from the earliest times

  • Shungoonny Menon, P.

A history of Karnataka

(from pre-history to unification)

  • Desai, P.B.