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Risultati 1-20 di 81

La paix de Westphalie (1648)

une histoire sociale, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles

  • Gantet, Claire

The age of the baroque


  • Friedrich, Carl Joachim

Reason of state, propaganda and the Thirty Years'War

an unknown translation by Thomas Hobbes

  • Malcolm, Noel

The thirty years war

  • Polisensky, Josef V.

Diplomacia hispano-inglesa en el siglo XVII

razón de Estado y relaciones de poder durante la guerra de los treinta años 1618-1648

  • Sanz Camañes, Porfirio

I Gesuiti e la rivoluzione boema

alle origini della Guerra dei Trent'anni

  • Gui, Francesco

Der dreissigjährige Krieg

Perspektiven und Strukturen

The Thirty Years War

a documentary history

  • Helfferich, Tryntje

Battles of the Thirty Years War [+]

from White Mountain to Nordlingen, 1618-1635

  • Guthrie, William P.

The age of Rubens

diplomacy, dynastic politics and the visual arts in early seventeenth-century Europe

The Thirty Years War

Europeʻs tragedy

  • Wilson, Peter H.

Risultati 1-20 di 81