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Risultati 140-160 di 2929

Talking along the Nile

Ippolito Rosellini, travellers and scholars of the 19th century in Egypt : proceedings of the International conference held on the occasion of the presentation of Progetto Rosellini, Pisa, June 14-16, 2012

Excavations in the Basileia of Alexandria

findings of the 1901 Ernst von Sieglin expedition

  • Laube, Ingrid

The survey of Memphis

III, Excavations at Kom Rabia (Site Rat), post-Ramesside levels and pottery

  • Aston, David A.

The Red Sea in pharaonic times

recent discoveries along the Red Sea coast : proceedings of the colloquium held in Cairo - Ayn Soukhna, 11th-12th January 2009

Amenhotep III

le Magnifique

  • Cabrol, A.

Le delta égyptien d'après les textes grecs

3, Les confins libyques

  • Bernand, André

Life in a Multi-Cultural Society

Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and beyond

Das Heiligtum des Heqaib auf Elephantine

Geschichte eines Provinzheiligtums im Mittleren Reich

  • Franke, Detlef

Ancient Egyptian mirrors

from the earliest times through the Middle Kingdom

  • Lilyquist, Christine

Grecs et Romains en Égypte

territoires, espaces de la vie et de la mort, objets de prestige et du quotidien

The first cataract of the Nile

one region - diverse perspectives

Akhenaten's workers

the Amarna Stone village survey, 2005-2009. Volume I, The survey, excavations and architecture

  • Stevens, Anna

Risultati 140-160 di 2929