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Risultati 600-620 di 2929

Mantova e l'antico Egitto

da Giulio Romano a Giuseppe Acerbi : atti del Convegno di studi, Mantova, 23-24 maggio 1992

Egypt and the hellenistic world

proceedings of the International colloquium, Leuven 24-26 may 1982

The North Saqqara archaeological site

handbook for environmental risk analysis

Later Roman Egypt

society, religion, economy and administration

  • Bagnall, Roger S.

The wisdom of Egypt

changing visions through the ages

Dossiers of ancient Egyptians

the middle kingdom and second intermediate period : addition to Franke's 'Personendaten'

  • Grajetzki, Wolfram

Giza in der 4. Dynastie

die Baugeschichte und Belegung einer Nekropole des Alten Reiches. Band I, Die Mastabas der Kernfriedhöfe und die Felsgräber

  • Jánosi, Peter

The tomb of Amenhotep

chief physician in the domain of Amun, Theban tomb 61 : archaeology and architecture

  • Schreiber, Gabor

Die Felsengräber der Fürsten von Elephantine

aus der Zeit des Mittleren Reiches

  • Müller, Hans Wolfgang

Rapports sur les fouilles de Koptos (janvier-février 1910)

adressés à la Société française des Fouilles Archéologiques et extraits de son Bulletin, augmentés de huit planches et d'un plan

  • Reinach, Adolphe

Who were the pharaohs?

a history of their names with a list of cartouches

  • Quirke, Stephen


history of a monument

  • Zivie-Coche, Christiane