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Risultati 140-160 di 1183

Parenté, noblesse et états dynastiques

15.-16. siècles

  • Nassiet, Michel

Innovation durch Wissenstransfer in der Frühen Neuzeit

Kultur- und geistesgeschichtliche Studien zu Austauschprozessen in Mitteleuropa

Memory before modernity

practices of memory in early modern Europe

Regine per caso

donne al governo in età moderna

  • Casanova, Cesarina

L'histoire grande ouverte

hommages à Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie

The European seaborne empires

from the Thirty Years' War to the age of revolutions

  • Paquette, Gabriel B.

Politics and war

European conflict from Philip 2. to Hitler

  • Kaiser, David E.

Conquest and coalescence [+]

the shaping of the state in early modern Europe

L'Europa nel Settecento


  • Anderson, Matthew Smith

Handbook of European history, 1400-1600

late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation

Princes, patronage and the nobility

the court at the beginning of the modern age, c. 1450-1650

L'Europe une

les philosophes et l'Europe

  • Faye, Jean-Pierre


die unerkannten Aufgaben der Moderne

  • Toulmin, Stephen

Risultati 140-160 di 1183