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Risultati 1-20 di 220

Premiere conference internationale d'histoire economique

  • Conference International D'histoire Economique 1, stockholm 1960

Joseph A. Schumpeter, historian of economics

perspectives on the history of economic thought : selected papers from the History of Economics society Conference, 1994

La ricchezza e la povertà delle nazioni

perché alcune sono così ricche e altre così povere

  • Landes, David S.

Storia economica del mondo moderno


  • Cole, George Douglas Howard

Economics and world history

myths and paradoxes

  • Bairoch, Paul

The world economy in transition

what leading economists think

La part maudite

précédé de La notion de dépense

  • Bataille, Georges

Research in economic history

a research annual

  • Uselding, Paul

Historia de la economia del mundo occidental

hasta principios de la segunda guerra mundial

  • Barnes, Harry Elmer

Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft [+]

Vorträge und Aufsätze : zweite Sammlung

  • Bücher, Karl

Quatrieme conference internationale d'histoire economique

  • Conference Internationale D'histoire Economique 4 Bloomington 1968

Risultati 1-20 di 220