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Risultati 480-500 di 6082

Processi alla Chiesa

mistificazione e apologia


con le epigrafi di Abercio e Pectorio

  • Papias

Politique et théologie chez Athanase d'Alexandrie

actes du Colloque de Chantilly, 23-25 septembre 1973

  • Kannengiesser, Charles

Pagan city and Christian capital

Rome in the fourth century

  • Curran, John R.


his life, his times, his work

  • Benson, Edward White

Etimologie o Origini

  • Isidorus Hispalensis santo

The Atina dossier of Peter the Deacon of Monte Cassino

a hagiograpghical romance of the twelfth century

  • Bloch, Herbert