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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1160-1180 di 9571

Ratio and invention

a study of medieval lyric and narrative

  • Edwards, Robert R.

Contemporary trauma narratives

liminality and the ethics of form

ˆThe bourgeois

between history and literature

  • Moretti, Franco

Dialog kultur w nowej Europie

historia, literatura, jezyk

La rupture amoureuse et son traitement littéraire

[Actes du Colloque de Nantes, 16-18 mai 1994]

The court and cultural diversity

selected papers from the eighth triennial congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, the Queen's university of Belfast, 26 july - 1 august 1995

  • International courtly literature society


Materialien zu ihrer Geschichte : ein Lesebuch

  • Hart Nibbrig, Christiaan L.

Literatur zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit

Studien zur Phantastik

  • Fischer, Jens Malte

Strange concepts and the stories they make possible

cognition, culture, narrative

  • Zunshine, Lisa

Le champ littéraire africain

essai pour une théorie

  • N'Goran, David K.

Memories and representations of war

the case of World War I and World War II

Aspects of narrative

selected papers from the English Institute

The languages of theatre

problems in the translation and transposition of drama

Escritura autobiográfica

actas del II Seminario Internacional del Instituto de semiótica literaria y teatral, Madrid, UNED, 1-3 de julio, 1992