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Risultati 440-460 di 9571

Creative Imitation

New Essays on Renaissance Literature in Honour of Thomas M.Greene


  • Glaudes, Pierre

La letteratura post-coloniale

dall'impero alla world literature

  • Albertazzi, Silvia

Captifs en Méditerranée (XVI-XVIIIe siècles)

histoires, récits et légendes

  • Moureau, François

European medieval drama 1997

papers from the II International conference on Aspects of European medieval drama, Camerino, 4-6 July 1997 : atti della II Conferenza internazionale su Aspetti del dramma medievale europeo, Camerino, 4-6 luglio 1997

  • Conferenza internazionale su Aspetti del dramma medievale europeo 2. Camerino 1997

Hommes et animaux au Moyen Age

4. Congrès au Mont Saint-Michel, Mont Saint-Michel, 31 octobre-1er novembre 1996

La commedia [+]

  • Sanesi, Ireneo

"Jacques le fataliste"

l'amour et son image

  • Geffriaud Rosso, Jeannette

Laughing with Medusa

classical myth and feminist thought

Lessing und Aristoteles

Untersuchung über die Theorie der Tragödie

  • Kommerell, Max

Dichtung und Deutung

Beiträge zur Literaturbetrachtung

  • Fischer, Ernst 1899-1972

Renaissance fantasies

the gendering of aestetics in early modern fiction

  • Prendergast, Maria Teresa Micaela