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Risultati 2000-2020 di 9571

Il Conte cruel- la storia di un genere

tesi di laurea

  • Pietrazzi, Cesarina

La biographie, modes et méthodes

actes du deuxième colloque international Guy de Pourtalès, Université de Bâle, 12-14 février 1998

  • Colloque international Guy de Pourtalès 2. Bâle 1998

The heresy of self-love

a study of subversive individualism

  • Zweig, Paul

Intellectuals and writers in fourteenth-century Europe

the J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Lectures, Perugia, 1984

  • J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Symposium 4 Perugia 1984

Autocoscienza e autoinganno

saggi sul romanzo di formazione

Formen und Ideologien des Kriminalromans

ein gattungsgeschichtlicher Essay

  • Schulz-Buschhaus, Ulrich

Characters in fictional worlds

understanding imaginary beings in literature, film, and other media

Voicing the void

muteness and memory in Holocaust fiction

  • Horowitz, Sara R.

Die Theorie des bürgerlichen Trauerspiels im 18. Jahrhundert

der Kaufmann, der Hausvater und der Hofmeister

  • Szondi, Peter

Writing the self

diaries, memoirs, and the history of the self

  • Heehs, Peter

Re-thinking Europe

literature and (trans)national identity

Edgar Allan Poe e Igino Tarchetti

ipotesi criticamente valida? : tesi di laurea

  • Petrarulo, Antonietta 1959-



  • Franzen, Erich

Christian rite and Christian drama in the Middle Ages

essays in the origin and early history of modern drama

  • Hardison, O.B.