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Risultati 1-20 di 281

Il Pepeverde

rivista di letture e letterature per ragazzi fondata da Bruni Cicconi, Alessandro Compagno, Ermanno Detti, Antonio Leoni

The fabulous journeys of Alice and Pinocchio

exploring their parallel worlds

  • Tosi, Laura 1966-

Molti, uno solo

tipologie della letteratura giovanile

Whose story?

translating the verbal and the visual in literature for young readers

Children's literature

a very short introduction : Kimberley Reynolds

  • Reynolds, Kimberley

Tempi moderni nella children's literature

storie, personaggi, strumenti critici

The role of translators in children's literature

invisible storytellers

  • Lathey, Gillian

Reading visual narratives

image analysis of children's picture books

  • Painter, Clare

Le guide del mattino

alle origini della childrens literature

Children's Literature

The Development of Critcism

Risultati 1-20 di 281