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Risultati 1-20 di 78

L'évocation des morts et la descente aux enfers

Homère, Virgile, Dante, Claudel

  • Brunel, Pierre

The broken estate

essays in literature and belief

  • Wood, James 1965-

Literatur und Religion

V., Von der Reformation bis in die Gegenwart

  • Gutzen, Dieter

Literatura y espiritualidad

actas del Seminario Internacional (Universitat de Barcelona, 3-4 abril 2000)

  • Manero Sorolla, María Pilar

Revelation of imagination

from Homer and the Bible through Virgil and Augustine to Dante

  • Franke, William


the language of metamorphosis

Gli antenati di Faust

il patto col demonio nella letteratura medievale

  • D'Agostino, Alfonso 1951-

Ceux qui cherchent en gemissant

crepuscolo e nascondimento di Dio nella scrittura letteraria

  • Sichera, Antonio

Interpreting devotion

the poetry and legacy of a female bhakti saint of India

  • Pechilis, Karen

Cultures and religious reading in the late Middle Ages

instructing the soul, feeding the spirit, and awakening the passion

Kai eidon ton oyranon eneogmenon

und ich sah den Himmel aufgetan [...] (Offb. 19, 11) : zur Poesie der Offenbarung des Johannes

  • Gutzen, Dieter

Sicut Lilium inter Spinas

literature and religion in the Renaissance

Religion und Literatur

Konvergenzen und Divergenzen

Risultati 1-20 di 78