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Risultati 20-40 di 52

La dea dei cavalieri

trasformazioni della signora datrice di sovranità tra epica e lirica

  • Sciancalepore, Antonella

The Germanic hero

politics and pragmatism in early medieval poetry

  • Murdoch, Brian

The epic in medieval society

aesthetic and moral values

The heroic process

form, function and fantasy in folk epic : the proceedings of the International folk epic conference, University college Dublin, 2-6 September 1985

  • International Folk epic conference Dublin 1985

Gralsage und Graldichtung des Mittelalters

vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 10. Mai 1911

  • Junk, Victor

De l'aventure épique à l'aventure romanesque

mélanges offerts à André de Mandach par ses amis, collègues et élèves

La recepción internacional del Cid

argumento recurrente, contexto, género

  • Rodiek, Christoph

The choice of Achilles

the ideology of figure in the epic

  • Lindgren Wofford, Susanne

Epic and empire

politics and generic form from Virgil to Milton

  • Quint, David

Proishozdenie geroiceskogo eposa

rannie formy i arhaiceskie pamjatniki

  • Meletinskij, Eleazar Moiseevič

Le Graal [+]

  • Markale, Jean