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Risultati 40-60 di 388

Medieval woman's song

cross-cultural approaches

Gilbert, poeta del malheur

  • Wojciechowska Bianco, Barbara

Three philosophical poets

Lucretius, Dante, Goethe

  • Santayana, George 1863-1952

La ragione poetica

scrittura e nuove scienze

  • Ferri, Gio

Love words

the self and the text in medieval and renaissance poetry

  • Regan, Mariann Sanders

The poet's tongues

multilingualism in literature : the de Carle lectures at the university of Otago 1968

  • Forster, Leonard

The white goddess

a historical grammar of poetic myth

  • Graves, Robert

Art poétique

  • Caillois, Roger

Amore cortese e modelli teologici

Guglielmo IX, Chrètien de Troyes, Dante

  • Pulega, Andrea

The unmediated vision

an interpretation of Wordsworth, Hopkins, Rilke, and Valéry

  • Hartman, Geoffrey H.