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Risultati 1-20 di 133

Israele e Palestina

un conflitto lungo un secolo

  • Marzano, Arturo


un dialogo interrotto

  • Filidoro, Costantino

Walking the line

Palestina e Israele lungo il confine che non c'è

  • Della Negra, Cecilia

Parlare con il nemico

narrazioni palestinesi e israeliane a confronto

Touching peace

from the Oslo accord to a final agreement

  • Beilin, Yossi

Protecting Jerusalems holy sites

a strategy for negotiating a sacred peace

  • Guinn, David E.

Media and peace in the Middle East

the role of journalism in Israel-Palestine

  • Tiripelli, Giuliana

The politics of sacred space

the old city of Jerusalem in the Middle East conflict

  • Dumper, Michael

The PLO and Israel

from armed conflict to political solution, 1964-1994

Israele e Palestina: una terra per due

le radici della guerra, le parole del conflitto

  • Carpinelli, Giovanni

From Oslo to Jerusalem

the palestinian story of the secret negotiations

  • Quray, Ahmad

Israel, Likud and the Zionist dream

power, politics and ideology from Begin to Netanyahu

  • Shindler, Colin

Peace with justice

a history of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of principles on interim self-government arrangements

  • Buchanan, Andrew S.

Risultati 1-20 di 133