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Contribution à l'épigraphie et à l'histoire de la Béotie hellénistique

de la destruction de Thèbes à la bataille de Pydna

  • Kalliontzis, Giannis

An island between two worlds

the archaeology of Euboea from prehistoric to Byzantine times : proceedings of international conference, Eretria, 12-14 July 2013

Archaic Eretria

a political and social history from the earliest times to 490 BC

  • Walker, Keith G.

Recent developments in the history and archaeology of Central Greece

proceedings of the 6th International Boeotian Conference

  • International Boeotian Conference 6. Bradford 1989


fouilles et recherches

Lefkandi 2.

the protogeometric building at Toumba

Actes du troisième Congrès international sur la Béotie antique

Montréal-Québec, 31.10.1979-4.11.1979

  • Congres international sur la Beotie Antique 3. Montreal 1979

Presenza e funzione della città di Tebe nella cultura greca

atti del Convegno internazionale, Urbino 7-9 luglio 1997

Ancient Euboea

studies in the history of a Greek island from earliest times to 404 B.C.

  • Vedder, Richard Glen


l'Eubea e la presenza euboica in Calcidica e in Occidente : atti del Convegno internazionale di Napoli, 13-16 novembre 1996

Risultati 1-17 di 17