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Risultati 20-40 di 2182

The Nanking massacre: fact versus fiction

a historian's quest for the truth

  • Higashinakano, Osamichi


  • Kajimura, Hideki 1935-1989

The civilization of China

from the formative period to the coming of the West

China's bitter victory

the war with Japan, 1937-1945

La Cina luci e ombre

evoluzione politica e relazioni esterne dopo Mao

Chinas lächelndes Gesicht

Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse

  • Bodard, Lucien

Il nido del falco

mondo e potere in Corea del Nord

  • Fiori, Antonio <1972- >

Pensieri del fiume Xiang

prima edizione mondiale della "Rivista del fiume Xiang"

  • Zedong, Mao

On the trail of the opium poppy

a narrative of travel in the chief opium-producing provinces of China

  • Hosie, Alexander

The history of imperial China

a research guide

  • Wilkinson, Endymion

Imperatore della Cina

autoritratto di K'ang-hsi

  • Spence, Jonathan

Chang Tso-lin in northeast China, 1911-1928

China, Japan, and the Manchurian idea

  • McCormack, Gavan

Enemies of the people

the ordeal of the intellectuals in China's great cultural revolution

  • Thurston, Anne


Skizzen von Land und Leuten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung kommerzieller Verhältnisse

  • Exner, A. H.

The Taiping heavenly kingdom

rebellion and the blasphemy of empire

  • Reilly, Thomas H.

China's intellectuals

advise and dissent

  • Goldman, Merle

Dentō Chūgoku no kansei

Min, Shin

  • Iwami, Hiroshi 1924-