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Risultati 300-320 di 673

Aurelii Augustini Confessiones

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo

The shadows of poetry

Vergil in the mind of Augustine

  • McCormack, Sabine G.


  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo

Paulinus of Nola [+]

life, letters and poems

  • Trout, Dennis E.

Augustin prédicateur (395-411)

actes du Colloque international de Chantilly, 5-7 septembre 1996

  • Colloque international de Chantilly 1996


Einfuhrung in sein Philosophieren

  • Schöpf, Alfred

Paulinus noster [+]

self and symbols in the letters of Paulinus of Nola

  • Conybeare, Catherine

Gregory the Great

perfection in imperfection

  • Straw, Carole

Willibrord, Apostel der Niederlande, Grunder der Abtei Echternach

Gedenkgabe zur 1250. Todestag des angelsachsischen Missionars