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Risultati 260-280 di 843

Pax and the politics of peace

republic to principate

  • Cornwell, Hannah

Amministrare un impero [+]

Roma e le sue province

Impero romano e cristianesimo

scritti scelti

  • Sordi, Marta

Romanization and the city

creation, transformations, and failures : proceedings of a conference held at the American Academy in Rome to celebrate the 50. anniversary of the excavations at Cosa, 14-16 May 1998

Measuring sex, age and death in the Roman empire [+]

explorations in ancient demography

  • Scheidel, Walter

Rome et l'Occident

(2. siècle av. J. C. - 2. siècle ap. J. C.) : gouverner l'Empire

The complete roman emperor

imperial life at court and on campaign

  • Sommer, Michael 1970-

Policing the Roman Empire [+]

soldiers, administration, and public order

  • Fuhrmann, Christopher J.

Decline and change in late antiquity

religion, barbarians and their historiography

  • Liebeschuetz, John Hugo Wolfgang Gideon

Rome et l'Occident du 2. s. av. J.-C. au 2. s. apr. J.-C.

colloque de la SOPHAU, Lyon, 15-16 mai 2009

The reorganisation of provincial territories in light of the imperial decision-making process

later roman Arabia and Tres Palaestinae as case studies

  • Sipila, Joonas