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Risultati 1-20 di 520

Roman politics 80-44 B.C.

selection of Latin passages with historical commentary and notes

  • Hawthorn, John Raymond

Sallust, Rome and Jugurtha

  • Sallustius Crispus, Gaius

Cassius Dio's speeches and the collapse of the Roman republic

the Roman history, books 3-56

  • Burden-Strevens, Christopher

The age of Cinna [+]

crucible of late Republican Rome

  • Lovano, Michael

Bellum Alexandrinum [+]

  • Caesar, Gaius Iulius

C. Iuli Caesaris Commentarii

Vol. 2, Commentarii belli civilis

  • Caesar, Gaius Iulius

L'ager publicus in età graccana (133-111 a.C.)

una rilettura testuale, storica e giuridica della Lex agraria epigrafica

  • Sisani, Simone

Historiography at the end of the republic

provincial perspectives on Roman rule

  • Yarrow, Liv Mariah

P. Ventidio Basso

  • Massimi, Alighiero

La Guerre d'Alexandrie

  • Caesar, Gaius Iulius

Guerre d'Afrique [+]

  • Caesar, Gaius Iulius

Clodiana religio

un procès politique en 61 av. J.-C.

  • Moreau, Philippe

Ottaviano capoparte

storia politica di Roma durante le ultime lotte di supremazia

  • Levi, Mario Attilio

Rome's revolution

death of the republic and birth of the empire

  • Alston, Richard

Quinto Sertorio. Roma

  • García Morá, Félix

Risultati 1-20 di 520