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Risultati 20-40 di 90

Pilate et le gouvernement de la Judée

textes et monuments

  • Lémonon, Jean-Pierre

Egyptianization and elite emulation in Ramesside Palestine

governance and accommodation on the imperial periphery

  • Higginbotham, Carolyn R.

Das Haus des Herodes

zwischen Jerusalem und Rom

  • Willrich, Hugo


Roma e la Giudea dal II secolo a.C. al II secolo d.C.

  • De Filippis Cappai, Chiara

König Herodes

der Mann und sein Werk

  • Schalit, Abraham

The great Roman-Jewish war: 66-70 (De bello Judaico) ; The life of Josephus

the William Whiston translation as revised by D.S. Margoliouth

  • Iosephus, Flavius

The world of the Herods

volume 1 of the International conference "The world of the Herods and the Nabataeans" held at the British Museum, 17 - 19 April 2001

Masada notebooks

digital survey in archeology

  • Bertocci, Stefano

Vassals and rebels in the Roman empire [+]

Julio-Claudian policies in Judaea and the kingdoms of the East

  • Paltiel, Eliezer

Rom und die Juden

die romisch-judischen Beziehungen von Pompeius bis zum Tode des Herodes (63 v. Chr. 4 v. Chr.)

  • Baumann, Uwe

Flavii Josephi Opera

Græece et Latine

  • Iosephus, Flavius