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Risultati 100-120 di 233

Bronze age migrations in the Aegean

archaeological and linguistic problems in Greek prehistory : proceedings of the first International colloquium on Aegean prehistory, Sheffield, organized by the British association for Mycenean studies and the Department of greek and ancient history of the University of Sheffield

  • International colloquium on Aegean prehistory 1. Sheffield 1970


studies on the Mycenaean world offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th birthday

Studies in ancient Greek society

the prehistoric aegean

  • Thomson, George

Archaeology and the rise of the Greek state

an inaugural lecture

  • Snodgrass, Anthony M.

Ancient Greece

social and historical documents from archaic times to the death of Socrates : c.800-399 BC

  • Dillon, Matthew 1963-

Status warriors

war, violence and society in Homer and history

  • Wees, Hans: van

The ages of Homer

a tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule

The Paleolithic archaeology of Greece and adjacent areas

Proceedings of the ICOPAG conference, Ioannina, September 1994

  • ICOPAG conference Ioannina 1994

Archaeologia Homerica

die Denkmäler und das frühgriechische Epos

Problems in Greek prehistory [+]

papers presented at the centenary conference of the British school of archaeology at Athens, Manchester april 1986

La transizione dal miceneo all'alto arcaismo

dal palazzo alla citta : atti del Convegno internazionale, Roma, 14-19 marzo 1988

The early neolithic in Greece [+]

the first farming communities in Europe

  • Perlès, Catherine

Contare a Haghia Triada

le tavolette in lineare A, i documenti sigillati e il sistema economico-amministrativo nel TM IB

  • Montecchi, Barbara

Basileus [+]

the evidence for kingship in geometric Greece

  • Drews, Robert

Risultati 100-120 di 233