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Risultati 40-60 di 119


le palais préhistorique des rois de Tirynthe : résultat des dernières fouilles

  • Schliemann, Heinrich

Spätmykenische Stadtheiligtümer

Systematische Analyse und vergleichende Auswertung der archaeologischen Befunde

  • Albers, Gabriele

Ancient Macedonia

papers read at the 1st International Symposium held in Thessaloniki, 26-29 August 1968

  • International Symposium Ancient Macedonia 1 Salonicco 1968

Defining ancient Arkadia

symposium, April, 1-4 1998

Arcana Epiri

contributo linguistico-storico sulle origini della civiltà ellenica

  • Restelli, Giuseppe

Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age

  • Mylonas, George Emmanuel


a rural site in the Berbati valley from the early Iron age to late antiquity : excavations by the Swedish Institute at Athens 1995 and 1997

  • Hjohlman, Jenni


2., The pictorial pottery

  • Akerström, Ake

Varia Mycenaea

  • Milani, Celestina


Agamemnon's capital : the site and its setting

  • French, Elizabeth Bayard

Aphrodite erykine

Hieron kai Manteion eis ten V.D. Arkadian

  • Kardara, Chrysoula P.

Anfänge und Frühzeit des Heiligtums von Olympia

die Ausgrabungen am Pelopion 1987-1996

  • Kyrieleis, Helmut

LH III C chronology and syncronisms

proceedings of the International workshop held at the Austrian Academy of sciences at Vienna, May 7th and 8th 2001

The Mycenaeans

  • Taylour, William


the 1928 excavations of Carl Blegen at a neolithic to early helladic settlement in Arcadia

  • Petrakis, Susan L.

Ancient Mycenae

the capital city of Agamemnon

  • Mylonas, George Emmanuel