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Risultati 280-300 di 1472

Celtic from the West 3

Atlantic Europe in the Metal Ages : questions of shared language

Actes del 1r. Simpòsium d'arqueologia laietana

  • Simpòsium d'arqueologia laietana 1. Teià 2018

Le Bas Vivarais à l'époque romaine

recherches sur la Cité d'Alba

  • Lauxerois, Roger


  • Atkinson, Richard John Copland

Finding Roman Britain

  • Laing, Jennifer 1948-

Jaskyna Domica

Najvyznacnejsie sídlisko l'udu bukovohorskej kultúry

  • Lichardus, Ján

The civitas capitals of Roman Britain

papers given at a conference held at the University of Leicester, 13-15 December 1963

Visitors welcome

a manual on the presentation and interpretation of archaeological excavations

  • Binks, Gillian

Pre-Christian Ireland

from the first settlers to the early Celts

  • Harbison, Peter

Proceedings of the sixth international Congress of celtic studies

held in University college, Galway, 6-13 July 1979

  • International congress of Celtic studies 6. Galway 1979