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Risultati 20-40 di 208

Gli Indios e l'impero universale [+]

scoperta dell'America e dottrina dello stato

  • Finzi, Claudio

Before the revolution

America's ancient pasts

  • Richter, Daniel K.

La scoperta dell'America

  • Robertson, William 1721-1793

The discovery of North America

a critical, documentary and historic investigation ...

  • Harrisse, Henry

Amara America meravigliosa

la cronaca delle Indie tra storia e letteratura

  • Bellini, Giuseppe 1923-

Terra cognita

the mental discovery of America

  • Zerubavel, Eviatar

Early native Americans

prehistoric demography, economy and technology

Il mondo nuovo di Amerigo Vespucci

scritti vespucciani e paravespucciani

  • Vespucci, Amerigo

New worlds, ancient texts [+]

the power of tradition and the shock of discovery

  • Grafton, Anthony

Las Casas on Columbus

background and the second and fourth voyages

  • Casas, Bartolomé: de las

The account

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca's Relacion

  • Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar

Christopher Columbus

the grand design

  • Taviani, Paolo Emilio