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Risultati 20-40 di 225

The Middle East

from the end of Empire to the end of the Cold War

  • Vatikiotis, Panayiotis Jerasimof

Arabic thought against the authoritarian age

towards an intellectual history of the present

Was the red flag flying there?

marxist politics and the Arab-Israeli conflict in Egypt and Israel, 1948-1965

  • Beinin, Joel

Grasping the nettle of peace

a senior Palestinian figure speaks out

  • al-Hassan, Khaled

Paix ou guerre

les secrets des negociations israelo-arabes, 1917-1995

  • Enderlin, Charles

Paix ou guerres

les secrets des negociations israelo-arabes, 1917-1997

  • Enderlin, Charles

La diplomazia italiana e gli equilibri mediterranei

la politica mediorientale dell'Italia dalla guerra dei Sei Giorni al conflitto dello Yom Kippur, 1967-1973

  • Caviglia, Daniele

Jerusalem 1913

the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict

  • Marcus, Amy Dockser

The contemporary Middle East

a documentary history

  • Felton, John

Le grand jeu

orient arabe et rivalites internationales depuis 1945

  • Laurens, Henry

Israels war

a history since 1947

  • Bregman, Ahron

Revising colture, reinventing peace

the influence of Edward W. Said