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Risultati 220-240 di 2963


tpavorowt'yownner hisatakner Anc'acn ow Mnac'ace

  • Babaxanean, Arak'el Grigori

L'Emirat Aghlabide (184-296/800-909)

histoire politique

  • Talbi, Mohamed


Verhängnis eines Erdteils

  • Melzig, Herbert

Medieval Armenian culture

[proceedings of the third Dr. H. Markarian conference on Armenian culture]


  • Lewis, Geoffrey L.

Contributi e materiali di archeologia orientale

III (1990), The Early Bronze Age IV in the southern Levant : settlement patterns, economy, and material culture of a "Dark Age"

  • Palumbo, Gaetano

Islamic reform

politics and social change in late ottoman Syria

  • Commins, David Dean

Armenia and the crusades

thenth to twelfth centuries : the chronicle of Matthew of Edessa

Il dramma degli Armeni

  • Lenzi Castoldi, Giulia

La questione ebraica oggi

i nostri conti con il razzismo

  • Israel, Giorgio