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Risultati 220-240 di 873


Proiettili umani : episodi dal vero dell'assedio di Port Arthur

  • Sakurai, Tadayoshi

Recueil de contributions au seminaire 1973-1974

  • Groupe d'etude et documentation sur le Japon contemporain Paris

The American occupation of Japan and Okinawa

literature and memory

  • Molasky, Michael S.

Japan's political revolution under MacArthur

a participant's account

  • Williams, Justin

Japan before Perry

a short history

  • Totman, Conrad

Summaries of the reports to the Symposium The changing contemporary japanese society

from the viewpoint of international comparison : 23-24 august 1977 in Osaka, Japan

Islands or security?

Japanese - Soviet relations under Brezhnev and Andropov

  • Kimura, Hiroshi

Japan miracle ’70

a business guide to the world’s third economic power