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Risultati 1-20 di 128

La Caduta dell'"Impero del Male"

saggio sulla tragedia della Russia

  • Zinov'ev, Aleksandr

Neighbors, friends, or madmen

the puritan adjustment to Quakerism in seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay

  • Chu, Jonathan M.

In small things forgotten

an archaeology of early American life

  • Deetz, James

The private city

Philadelphia in three periods of its growth

  • Warner, Sam Bass 1928-

The times of their lives

life, love, and death in Plymouth colony

  • Deetz, James


work, space, family, and group experience in the nineteenth century : essays toward an interdisciplinary history of the city

From suburb to shtetl

the Jews of Boro Park

  • Mayer, Egon

An outline history of Orange County

with an enumeration of the names of its towns, villages, rivers, creeks, lakes, ponds, mountains, hills and other known localities, and their etymologies or historical reasons therefor : together with local traditions and short biographical sketches of early settlers, etc.

  • Eager, Samuel Watkins

Black Manhattan

  • Johnson, James Weldon

Neighbors in conflict

the Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians of New York City, 1929-1941

  • Bayor, Ronald

Alle origini della colonizzazione in Nord America

la missione diplomatica di un barbiere-chirurgo in Iroquia

  • Usai, Emanuela

First city

Philadelphia and the forging of historical memory

  • Nash, Gary B.

Risultati 1-20 di 128