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Risultati 1-8 di 8


nella morsa dell'impero

The guns of August 2008

Russia's war in Georgia

Open wound

Chechnya 1994 to 2003

  • Greene, Stanley


il disonore russo

  • Politkovskaja, Anna

The post-Soviet wars

rebellion, ethnic conflict, and nationhood in the Caucasus

  • Zürcher, Christoph

Le Caucase postsovietique

la transition dans le conflit

The Caucasian challenge : interests, conflicts, identities / edited by Cengiz ðCaægla.

  • Y¸ld¸z Teknik èUniversitesi.: Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararas¸ çIliðskiler Bèolèumèu.

Risultati 1-8 di 8