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Risultati 1-20 di 346

Modlitwa o deszcz

  • Jagielski, Wojciech

L' Afghanistan

geographie, histoire, ethnographie, voyages

  • Furon, Raymond

Autour de Bāmiyān

de la Bactriane hellénisée à l'Inde bouddhique : actes du colloque de Strasbourg, 19-20 juin 2008

Embajada a Tamorlan

  • González de Clavijo, Ruy

The soldiers' story

Soviet veterans remember the Afghan war

  • Heinämaa, Anna

The Afghan syndrome

the Soviet Union's Vietnam

  • Sarin, Oleg

The age of achievement

A.D. 750 to the end of the fifteenth century

The wind blows away our words

and other documents relating to the Afghan resistance

  • Lessing, Doris 1919-

The second Afghan war, 1878-80

offical account, produced in the Intelligence branch army headquarters, India

  • Metcalfe MacGregor, Charles Sir

La sédentarisation des Kazakhs dans l'URSS de Staline

collectivisation et changement social (1928-1945)

  • Ohayon, Isabelle

The Kazakhstan way

  • Nazarbaev, Nursultan

Embajada a Tamorlán

  • González de Clavijo, Ruy

The Soviet-Afghan war

how a superpower fought and lost : the Russian General Staff


histoire, description, moeurs et coutumes, folklore, fouilles

  • Dollot, René

Development in contrast

from the sixteenth to the mid-nineteenth century

Risultati 1-20 di 346