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Risultati 4300-4320 di 13231

Roma, città della parola

oralità, memoria, diritto, religione, poesia

  • Bettini, Maurizio 1947-

Storia di Roma antica

dalle mitiche origini alla conquista del mondo: vicende millenarie di una grande civilta

  • Grant, Michael 1914-2004


a city out of print

  • San Juan, Rose Marie

Rezeption und Identität

die kulturelle Auseinandersetzung Roms mit Griechenland als europäisches Paradigma

Italy and the West [+]

comparative issues in romanization

Being Greek under Rome

cultural identity, the second sophistic and the development of empire

Livy [+]

the composition of his history

  • Luce, Torrey James

Ancient Rome and India

commercial and cultural contacts between the Roman world and India

Dioʼs Roman history

in nine volumes

  • Dio Cassius

Il mondo antico

Siracusa, Agrigento, gli etruschi del Tirreno, Pompei, il Foro romano e il Palatino

Liviana [+]

studies on Livy

  • Briscoe, John 1938-

Introduction a l'histoire romaine

l'ethnologie préhistorique, les influences civilisatrices a l'époque préromaine et les commencements de Rome

  • Modestov, Vasilij

History of Rome

a documented analysis

  • Ridley, Ronald T.