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Risultati 2140-2160 di 13231

Sybaris e i Serdaioi

  • Calderone, Salvatore

The stranger at the gate

aspects of exclusiveness and co-operation in ancient Greece and Rome, with some reference to modern times

  • Haarhoff, Theodore Johannes

Diokletian und die Tetrarchie

Aspekte einer Zeitenwende


  • Costa, Giovanni n.1875

I Celti in Cisalpina

intrecci genetici, linguistici e storici : atti della giornata di studi, 22 aprile 2006, Marcallo con Casone (MI)

  • Associazione culturale Terra insubre

Visual culture and archaeology

art and social life in prehistoric south-east Italy

  • Skeates, Robin

The eastern part of the mons Oppius in Rome

the sanctuary of Isis et Serapis in regio III, the temples of Minerva Medica, Fortuna virgo and dea Syria and the horti of Maecenas

  • Hauber, Chrystina

Princes and political cultures

the new Tiberian senatorial decrees

  • Rowe, Greg