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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 660-680 di 4120

Atti e memorie del 1. congresso internazionale di micenologia

Roma 27 settembre-3 ottobre 1967

  • Congresso internazionale di micenologia 1. Roma 1967

Acaia Ftiotide I

indagini geostoriche, storiografiche, topografiche e archeologiche


III, Politai et cives

Ancient Greece and ancient Iran

cross-cultural encounters : 1. International conference, Athens, 11-13 November 2006

  • International Conference Ancient Greece and ancient Iran 1. Atene 2006

East and West

cultural relations in the ancient world

Roman Crete

an archaeological survey and gazetteer of late Hellenistic, Roman, and early Byzantine Crete

  • Sanders, Ian F. 1949-1977

Alexander der Grosse

auf den Spuren eines Mythos

  • Pfrommer, Michael


Archäologie eines Heiligtums

  • Kyrieleis, Helmut

By the spear

Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the rise and fall of the Macedonian empire

  • Worthington, Ian