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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 500-520 di 4120

Prehistoric Macedonia

an archaeological reconnaissance of Greek Macedonia (west of the Struma) in the neolithic, bronze, and early iron ages

  • Heurtley, Walter Abel


recherches sur l'histoire et la civilisation de Corinthe des origines aux guerres médiques

  • Will, Edouard

Speaking the same language

speech and audience in Thucydides' Spartan debates

  • Debnar, Paula

Historische Untersuchungen zu Memnon von Herakleia

Kap. 18-40, FgrHist Nr 434

  • Janke, Manfred

Frühes Griechentum

historische und sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge

  • Gschnitzer, Fritz


  • Schubert, Charlotte

Coastal hinterlands

site patterns, microregions and coastal-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC

  • Bonnier, Anton