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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 291

Roman cities in Bulgaria

collected studies

  • Velkov, Velizar

Dieux d'argile

l'age de pierre et du cuivre en Hongrie

  • Kalicz, Nandor

Cult objects of the neolithic Lengyel culture

connections and interpretation

  • Banffy, Eszter


a late neolithic settlement in Aegean Thrace

  • Hellström, Pontus

Fragmentation in archaeology

people, places, and broken objects in the prehistory of south eastern Europe

  • Chapman, John

Cultura Cotofeni

  • Roman, Petre I.

Vela Spila

viseslojno pretpovijesno nalaziste, Vela Luka-Otok Korcula

  • Cecuk, Bozidar


Vrata med Sredozemljem in Srednjo Evropo : the gateway between the Mediterranean and Central Europe

  • Horvat, Jana

Les celtes de l'est

le second âge du fer dans la cuvette des Karpates

  • Szabó, Miklós

Die alten Thraker

eine ethnologische Untersuchung

  • Tomaschek, Wilhelm

Simpozij Neolit i eneolit u Slavoniji

Vukovar, 4-5 lipnja 1966

  • Simpozij Neolit i eneolit u Slavoniji Vukovar 1966

Clay Gods

the Neolithic Period and Copper Age in Hungary

  • Kalicz, Nandor