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Risultati 160-180 di 2933

Necropoli Ialisie

scavi dell'anno 1934-12.

  • Laurenzi, Luciano

Storia di Cirene

  • Thrige, Johan Peter

The plain of Phaistos

cycles of social complexity in the Mesara region of Crete

  • Watrous, Livingston Vance


das spätbronzezeitliche Gräberfeld

  • Basedow, Maureen A.

Nouvelles inscriptions d'Antioche de Pisidie

d'après les note-books de W.M. Ramsay

State and society in the late Bronze age

Alalaḫ under the Mittani empire

  • Von Dassow, Eva


II, Rezul'taty rabot Archeologiceskoj ekspedicii Instituta Istorii Akademii Nauk Arm. SSR i Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaza : 1949-1950

  • Piotrovskij, Boris Borisovic

Identifying changes

the transition from bronze to iron age in Anatolia and its neighbouring regions : proceedings of the International Workshop, Istanbul, November 8-9, 2002

Proceedings of the 1. International congress on the archaeology of the ancient near East

Rome, May 18-23 1998

  • International congress on the archaeology of the ancient near East 1. Roma 1998

Polis et chora

cité et territoire dans le Pont-Euxin

  • Chtcheglov, Alexandre

Dieux d'argile

l'age de pierre et du cuivre en Hongrie

  • Kalicz, Nandor