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Risultati 1660-1680 di 2933

Rois, tributs et paysans

études sur les formations tributaires du Moyen-Orient ancien

  • Briant, Pierre


corridor to Africa

  • Adams, William Y.

Roman Crete

new perspectives


  • Arakelyan, B.N.


a middle and late Cypriote bronze age site

  • Malmgren, Kjell


reports of the work of the joint expedition in 1931-1933 and of the British expedition in 1935. 1., The Buildings at Samaria

  • Crowfoot, John Winter

The Hagia Photia cemetery

I, The tomb groups and architecture

  • Davaras, Costis

La stele dei nuovi comandamenti e dei cereali

iscrizioni di Cirene, (Gortina), El Gùbba, Ngarnes, Gasr Barbùres, Gasr Taurgùni, Tolméta

  • Oliverio, Gaspare

Pichvnari and its environs

6th c BC-4th c AD

  • Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.

L'historien et ses territoires

choix d'articles

  • Sartre, Maurice


Aufstieg und Untergang einer antiken Weltstadt

  • Warmington, Brian H.

Arabian studies in honour of Mahmoud Ghul

symposium at Yarmouk university, December 8-11, 1984

Syria and the Jews

  • Bevan, Edwyn Robert


  • Kontoleon, N. M.