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Risultati 1420-1440 di 2933

Aspects of the Roman east

papers in honour of Professor Fergus Millar. I

Breclav-Pohansko I

velkomoravske pohrebiste u Kostela : archeologicke prameni z pohrebiste

  • Kalousek, Frantisek

The archaeology of late bronze age Cypriot society

the study of settlement, survey and landscape

The Prehistory of Jordan

2, Perspectives from 1997

Gräber des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. im syrischen Euphrattal

1, Ausgrabungen bei Tawi 1975 und 1978

  • Kampschulte, Ingrid


aux fouilles et au musée

  • Young, Rodney Stuart

Tell Beydar, three seasons of excavations (1992-1994)

a preliminary report : rapport préliminaire

Tell Beydar

environmental and technical studies

Fouilles exécutées à Mallia

Étude du site (1956-1957) et Exploration des nécropoles (1915-1928), second fascicule

Studies on Arabia

in honour of professor G. Rex Smith

Aux origines de l'hellénisme

la Crète et la Grèce : hommage à Henry Van Effenterre

  • Centre Gustave Glotz

Time's up!

dating the Minoan eruption of Santorini : acts of the Minoan eruption chronology workshop, Sandbjerg November 2007 initiated by Jan Heinemeier & Walter L. Friedrich

  • Minoan eruption chronology workshop Sandjerg 2007

La Pannonia e l'impero romano

atti del convegno internazionale La Pannonia e l'Impero romano, Accademia d'Ungheria e l'Istituto austriaco di cultura, Roma, 13-16 gennaio 1994

Excavations at Sissi

preliminary report on the 2007-2008 campaigns