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Risultati 1260-1280 di 2933

La cittadella aramaica di Hama

attività, funzioni e comportamento

  • De Maigret, Alessandro

Orient oder Rom

Beiträge zur Geschichte der spätantiken und frühchristlichen Kunst

  • Strzygowski, Josef

Gortina VI

scavi 1979-1982

The late Chalcolithic to early Bronze

1, Transition in Palestine and Transjordan

  • Hanbury Tenison, J.W.

The excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim

1, The pottery of the first 3 campaigns

  • Albright, William Foxwell

Sapaturile de la Dridu

contributie la arheologia si istoria perioadei de formare a poporului roman

  • Zaharia, Eugenia


Untersuchungen zu seiner Geschichte nach den hethitischen Quellen

  • Heinhold-Krahmer, Susanne

Anatolia and the ancient Near East

studies in honor of Tahsin Özgüç

From Hellenism to Islam

cultural and linguistic change in the Roman Near East