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Risultati 440-460 di 2933

Nisyros, Giali, Kos

ein Vorbericht über archäologisch-mineralogische Forschungen auf griechischen Inseln

  • Buchholz, Hans-Günter

The world of the Aramaeans

II, Studies in history and archaeology in honour of Paul-Eugène Dion


the history, religion, and culture of a Syrian town in the late Bronze Age

Cyprus in the 19th century AD

fact, fancy and fiction : papers of the 22nd British Museum classical colloquium, December 1998

  • British Museum classical colloquium 22. London 1998

I conti dei demiurgi

la stele delle sacerdotesse di Artemide, la stele degli efebi dell'Iseo dell'acropoli, l'iscrizione della porta dell'acropoli, l'iscrizione del "Rilievo di Lysanias" del museo di Bengasi

  • Oliverio, Gaspare

Anatolie antique

fouilles françaises en Turquie : catalogue de l'exposition, gypsothèque de l'Université Lumière Lyon 2 ...

Aspekte der napatanischen Gesellschaft

archäologisches Inventar und funeräre Praxis im Friedhof von Sanam : Perspektiven einer kulturhistorischen Interpretation

  • Lohwasser, Angelika

La Carie

histoire et géographie historique : avec le recueil des inscriptions antiques. Tome II, Le plateau de Tabai et ses environs

  • Robert, Louis

Phoenicia and the East Mediterranean in the first millennium B.C.

proceedings of the conference held in Leuven from the 14th to the 16th of November 1985

La migration grecque en Ionie

thèse principale ...

  • Sakellariou, Michael B.