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Risultati 20-40 di 2933

Swedish excavations at Sinda, Cyprus

excavations conducted by Arne Furumark 1947-1948

  • Furumark, Arne



  • Martin, Roland 1912-1997

Die Königin von Saba

Kunst, Legende und Archäologie zwischen Morgenland und Abendland

Archéologie au Levant

recueil à la mémoire de Roger Saidah

Opera selecta

from Tyre to Tartessos

  • Culican, William

Cyprus between the Orient and the Occident

acts of the International archaeological symposium : Nicosia, 8-14 september 1985

  • International archaeological symposium Cyprus between the Orient and the Occident Nicosia 1985

Fasti Cretae et Cyrenarum

imperial magistrates of Crete and Cyrenaica during the Julio-Claudian period

  • Baldwin, Martha Ann Welborn

Gortina agorà

scavi 1996-1997

Hadrianopolis II

risultati delle indagini archeologiche 2005-2010

Die Osthallstattkultur

Akten des Internationalen Symposiums, Sopron, 10-14 Mai 1994

Ancient Cyprus in the British museum

essays in honour of Veronica Tatton-Brown

Le Moyen Euphrate

zone de contacts et d'échanges : actes du colloque de Strasbourg,10-12 mars 1977