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Risultati 380-400 di 3569

The corsairs' longest voyage

the Turkish raid in Iceland 1627

  • Helgason, Thorsteinn

Imaginea evreului in cultura romana

studiu de imagologie in context est-central european

  • Oisteanu, Andrei

Byzantium in the eleventh century

being in between : papers from the 45. Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, Oxford, 24-26 March 2012

  • Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies 45. Oxford 2012

Jews in early Christian law

Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries

Un proiect deschis

strategia nationala de dezvoltare economica a României pe termen mediu : documente : Romania’s medium term national strategy of economic development : documents

N. Iorga

o biografie

  • Nagy-Talavera, Nicholas

Aspects of the Balkans: continuity and change

contributions to the International Balkan Conference held at UCLA, October 23-28, 1969

Nicolae Iorga

a biography

  • Nagy-Talavera, Nicholas

România cu si fara Antonescu

documente, studii, relatari si comentari

  • Buzatu, Gheorghe


Roman einer Stadt

  • Farga, Franz