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Risultati 1-20 di 79


  • Kapuscinski, Ryszard

Continent Ablaze

the Insurgency Wars in Africa : 1960 to the present

  • Turner, John W.

Africa contemporanea

politica, cultura, istituzioni a Sud del Sahara

  • Bellucci, Stefano

Africa since independence

a comparative history

  • Nugent, Paul

The decolonization of Portuguese Africa

metropolitan revolution and the dissolution of empire

  • MacQueen, Norrie

Africa since 1940

the past of the present

  • Cooper, Frederick

L'Africa sovranazionale

storia e istituzioni del regionalismo africano

  • Finizio, Giovanni


an African security dilemma

The graves are not yet full

race, tribe and power in the heart of Africa

  • Berkeley, Bill

Decolonization in Africa [+]

  • Hargreaves, John Desmond

L'Africa contemporanea

problemi di politica interna ed estera

  • Gentili, Anna Maria

The superpowers and Africa

the constraints of a rivalry, 1960-1990

  • Laidi, Zaki

Risultati 1-20 di 79