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Risultati 1-20 di 21

New perspectives on stellar pulsation and pulsating variable stars

proceedings of iau colloquium no. 139

  • Nemec, James Michael

Rr lyrae stars

  • Smith, Horace A.

Variability in stars and galaxies

proceedings of the 5. European regional meeting in astronomy, held in Liege, Belgium, 28 July - 1 August 1980

  • European regional meeting in astronomy 5. Liegi 1980

Variable stars

  • Gaposchkin, Cecilia Helena Payne

International astronomical union colloquium n. 15

combined colloquium of the Commissions 27 and 42, Bamberg, 1971, 31st August-3rd September, with thw theme New directions and new frontieres in variable star research

  • International astronomical union

Proceedings of the workshop on space research prospects in stellar activity and variability

held at Observatoire de Paris, Meudon (France), February 29, March 1 and 2, 1984

Variable stars

  • Hoffmeister, Cuno 1892-1968

Variable stars in globular clusters and in related systems

proceedings of the IAU colloquium n. 21 held at the University of Toronto, Canada, August 29-31, 1972

  • International astronomical union

Non-periodic phenomena in variable stars

4th colloquium on variable stars held in Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 september 1968

  • Colloquium on variable stars 4. Budapest 1968

Novij katalog zvezd, zapodozrennyh v peremennosti bleska

ssoderzascij svedenija o 14810 peremennyh zvezdah, ne polucivsih okoncatelnogo oboznacenija do 1980 goda, vkljucaja 2475 ob''etov, zakljucenija o peremnnosti bleska kotoryh somnite l'ny ili osibocy

Le stelle variabili

  • National geographic society

Il cielo imperfetto [+]

guida all'osservazione e allo studio delle stelle variabili

  • Ricci, Emiliano

Superstelle in esplosione

fare cosmologia con le supernovae e i gamma-ray burst

  • Mazure, Alain

Risultati 1-20 di 21