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Risultati 80-100 di 288

Theorising welfare

enlightenment and modern society

  • O'Brien, Martin

Per un nuovo stato sociale [+]

equità e benessere nella società contemporanea

  • Jordan, Bill

Oltre il welfare

lavoro sociale e nuova cittadinanza

  • Rei, Dario

Solidarietà, equità e qualità

in difesa di un nuovo Welfare in Italia

Verfassung, Theorie und Praxis des Sozialstaats

Festschrift fur Hans F. Zacher zum 70. Geburtstag

The ethics of welfare

human rights, dependency and responsibility

The welfare state and inequality

still no answer to the big questions

  • Pedersen, Axel West

Equity, efficiency and growth

the future of the welfare state

The language of business studies lectures

a corpus-assisted analysis

  • Crawford Camiciottoli, Belinda

The welfare state

its aims, benefits and costs

  • Sleeman, John Frederick

The privatization of social policy?

occupational welfare and the welfare state in America, Scandinavia and Japan

The future of the welfare state

crisis myths and crisis realities

  • Castles, Francis G.

Oltre il Welfare state [+]

terzo settore, nuove solidarietà e trasformazioni del welfare

  • Ranci, Costanzo 1957-

Restructuring the welfare state

theory and reform of social policy

Industrialisierung und Sozialpolitik

das Problem der sozialen Sicherheit in Grossbritannien 1795-1911

  • Metz, Karl Heinz