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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1060-1080 di 3085

Merchants and manufacturers

studies in the changing structure of nineteenth-century marketing

  • Porter, Glenn

US-Mexican relations, 1910-1940

an interpretation

  • Knight, Alan

The Japanese power game

what it means for America

  • Holstein, William J.

Labour under the Marshall plan

The politics of productivity and the marketing of management science

  • Carew, Anthony

The American census

a social history

  • Anderson, Margo J.

Texas and the mexican revolution

a study in state and national border policy, 1910-1920

  • Coerver, Don M.

Discovering the American past

a look at evidence

  • Wheeler, William Bruce

The climax of capitalism

the US economy in the twentieth century

  • Kemp, Tom


the dynamic economy of a free people

  • Bruchey, Stuart

Forme di governo

esperienze europee e nord-americana

Attacco a sorpresa e sicurezza

le strategie degli Stati Uniti

  • Gaddis, John Lewis

Close neighbors, distant friends

United States - central american relations

  • Findling, John E.

The rehnquist court

understanding its impact and legacy

  • Hudson, David L.