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Risultati 580-600 di 3085

Among Empires

American Ascendancy and Its Predecessors

  • Maier, Charles S.

Beyond paradise and power

Europe, America and the future of a troubled partnership

A century of war

Anglo-American oil politics and the new world order

  • Engdahl, William

American multinationals and Japan

the political economy of Japanese capital controls, 1899-1980

  • Mason, Mark

Protecting soldiers and mothers

the political origins of social policy in the United States

  • Skocpol, Theda

The American Union and the problem of neighborhood

the United States and the collapse of the Spanish Empire, 1783-1829

  • Lewis, James E.

The making of an American Senate

reconstitutive change in Congress, 1787-1841

  • Swift, Elaine K.

The United States and Ethiopia

military assistance and the quest for security, 1953-1993

  • Agyeman-Duah, Baffour

Common purpose

strengthening families and neighborhoods to rebuild America

  • Schorr, Lisbeth B.

The end of American exceptionalism

frontier anxiety from the old west to the new deal

  • Wrobel, David M.

From savage to negro

anthropology and the construction of race, 1896-1954

  • Baker, Lee D.

The other side of the sixties

Young Americans for Freedom and the rise of conservative politics

  • Andrew, John A.

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

pageantry and patriotism in cold-war America

  • Fried, Richard M.

Politica americana

una piccola introduzione

  • Ferraresi, Mattia

Tradition transformed

the Jewish experience in America

  • Sorin, Gerald